Petit Verdot is a red wine grape known for its small, thick-skinned berries that provide deep color to the wine. Historically, it was used primarily in blends in Bordeaux, but has now spread to other regions such as southern Europe, the Americas, and Australia. Petit Verdot is less well-known than its larger-berried cousin, Gros Verdot. The grape's name, Verdot roughly translates as "green one" and reflects its tendency to underripen in cool seasons. Petit Verdot wines are dense and dark in color, with high levels of tannins and anthocyanins.
In the 1960s, Petit Verdot's popularity in Bordeaux waned as consumer preferences shifted towards Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. The grape also posed difficulties in the vineyard, with weak shoots and a susceptibility to spring weather and cool vintages. However, in the 1980s, Petit Verdot saw a resurgence in New World regions such as California and Australia, where it was grown in warm, dry climates. It is now being grown in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina.